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Improve the Conditions for a More Peaceful Life Journey

Covid-19 is causing us a lot of problems right now. Every day, our brain stores a large number of negative and illegal experiences. We will never forget these tragic events in our lives. These tragic events will serve as triggers in the future. As a result, we must gain a thorough understanding of triggers.

We must recognize our triggers to deal with overpowering feelings that may occur without our knowledge. Triggers are a term that is talked about a lot these days. But how many of us fully understand what it means? 

Triggers works in our life

With an example of what trigger means

A trigger is anything we notice in our environment that causes us to have a strong unpleasant emotion. A distinctive aroma, for example, can often conjure up memories of a specific place or person. The aroma is the trigger in this scenario. Triggers are connected to events, which can be happy or bad, and which, in turn, cause positive or negative feelings.

Triggers are connected to events, which can be happy or bad, and which, in turn, cause positive or negative feelings.

Observing our triggers, particularly for strong negative emotions like anger or fear, can help us get to know ourselves better. We must recognize our triggers to deal with overpowering feelings that may occur without our knowledge. For example, based on the experience we have, listening to a specific melody can make us feel pleased or sad.

Trigger types with detailed analysis

There are two types of triggers in theory: internal and external. We can only make sense of our triggers after we notice and become aware of them.

Internal Trigger: An internal trigger occurs within the body and involves discomfort in a specific body region, such as headaches or migraines, as well as physical sensations, such as muscle spasms or goosebumps. When people are furious, lonely, unhappy, sad, or bored, they may turn to drugs. As a result, any emotion can act as an internal trigger.

External Trigger: A trigger that is related to something outside of our body, such as a specific movie, series, or piece of music, a specific time, date, or event, news stories, specific locations, specific behaviors from those around us, or specific words were spoken.

Triggers will always be a part of our existence. Several studies have concluded that our brain preserves memories of traumatic events or events that have had a significant impact on us. The brain immediately establishes a link between the amused emotion and the sensory connection, which can be made by seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, or touching.

Triggers are not inherently negative; rather, they serve as a warning sign that prepares us to deal with the underlying problem. Because triggers might be overwhelming, they can obstruct our ability to complete jobs and activities daily. As a result, there is a natural desire to flee or avoid them as much as possible. However, we must keep in mind that we can only progress when we healthily deal with our triggers.

 What is the most effective technique to handle triggers?

 The first stage is to recognize our triggers, which can only be done if we pay attention to our physiological reactions to the environment and religiously practice contemplation time, both of which help us to become more self-aware. It's also critical that we pay attention to the emotion that accompanies a trigger.

We also need to understand where these triggers are originating from. Keeping a diary ready in these situations is a great way to keep track of when we are triggered for no apparent reason.

Once we understand where these triggers come from and why they happen, we can assess what aspects are under our control and which are not. Based on this, we may make informed decisions about what we can do to make peace with the past.

Acceptance of circumstances beyond our control, as well as forgiveness of ourselves and others, are the most effective way to free ourselves from the burdens of the past.

 Triggers are frequently signs of something bad that happened in the past that we are unable to accept or forgive. Seeking expert help to better understand ourselves and cope with the problem at hand can be beneficial.

The best technique to deal with triggers

When we are triggered, we have an intrinsic desire to react rather than respond to the circumstance. The reaction is more of an impulsive reflex action that we frequently regret after we have carried it out. Response, on the other hand, is a rational, reasonable, and well-considered way of behavior that is not carried out haphazardly. We must gain a deeper awareness of our triggers so that we don't just react to things as passive humans, but rather actively respond to them.

It is necessary to live in peace and to strive to create situations that inspire positive emotions. Pleasant triggers will always be produced by positive feelings. For any reason, we must avoid falling into depression.

We have a choice of positive triggers to choose from

Exercise: Every day, take a 15 to 30-minute brisk walk, or dance, jog or ride our bikes if we want. It won't take long for us to notice a shift in our mood once we get into the habit of exercising. Breathing exercises and meditation, two additional parts of yoga, can also help to feel better.

A person's mood and energy can be influenced by their diet. Consume a variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as regular meals.

Mood-boosting foods include 

Berries: Berries contain a variety of antioxidants and phenolic compounds that aid in the prevention of oxidative stress, which is caused by an imbalance of damaging substances in the body. Antioxidant-rich foods help to reduce inflammation linked to depression and other mood disorders.

Dark chocolate: It enhances our mood and makes us feel calmer and happier when we eat it. Endorphins, the chemicals in our brain that cause emotions of happiness and pleasure, are stimulated by dark chocolate. Dark chocolate promotes mood control by increasing blood flow to the brain, reducing inflammation, and improving brain function.

Salmon: Salmon is high in omega 3 fatty acids, which might help us feel better. Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for cell production in our bodies. It adds radiance to our hair and skin while also boosting our immunity.

Nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds contain tryptophan, an amino acid that aids in the production of mood-enhancing serotonin. Almonds, cashews, peanuts, and walnuts, as well as pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower seeds, are excellent sources.

Recognize problems, but don't concentrate on them 

We must look for any circumstances that may have contributed to our depression. When we've figured out what's making us sad and why we can talk to a supportive friend about it. Talking is a good approach to let go of sentiments and get some understanding.

We can focus on something constructive when we've let these ideas and feelings out. Take steps to address issues. If we require assistance, we should ask for it. Depression can be alleviated by feeling connected to friends and family. It may also give them the feeling that there is something they can do rather than just watching us suffer. 

The most effective method of avoiding depression

When a person is depressed, their creativity and sense of fun may be stifled. When we use our imagination to create (painting, sketching, doodling, sewing, writing, dancing, making music, etc.), we not only release our creative energies, but we also release some happy emotions.

We can spend time with a friend or a pet, or do something enjoyable for ourselves. Find something to laugh about, such as a humorous movie. Laughter can make us feel better.

Try to appreciate the positive aspects of life: Depression affects a person's thoughts, making everything seem bleak, unpleasant, and hopeless. Make an effort to appreciate the wonderful things in life if you're depressed and only see the negative. We can try to notice one aspect, and then come up with another. Consider our assets, talents, and benefits. 



Covid-19 and our sorrowful days will live on in our hearts forever. However, I've attempted to identify a few things that will act as guides for living a positive life.

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