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The Ultimate Secret of Automatic Thoughts and Self-Talk

The Ultimate Secret of Automatic Thoughts and Self-Talk, MAGVIEWINFO

There are numerous topics to address when it comes to the topic of 'Thoughts.' However, in this post, I will just discuss 'Automatic thoughts' and 'Self-talk,' both of which are fascinating topics.

What is the best way to describe 'Automatic thoughts'?

Thoughts are a fundamental element of human beings and are continually flowing through our minds. We are usually thinking about something purposefully, but other thoughts can emerge unexpectedly and without our knowledge. These are pre-programmed ideas or 'Automatic thoughts'.

What is the best way to describe 'Self-talk'?

Self-talk is a continuous dialogue that most of us have in our minds throughout the day. While we are awake or asleep, our ideas are always flowing through our minds. These thoughts can take the form of reminding you what needs to be done, giving yourself instructions, making decisions, making mental notes while performing a specific activity, repeating certain observations made in the environment or reciting specific positive or negative statements to yourself.

How do automatic thoughts operate against us?

When we believe our automatic thoughts without questioning their accuracy, they have the potential to quickly take over our mental space. We have automatic thoughts that flash into our minds, and we often believe them to be completely accurate. These thoughts, however, are frequently unreasonable, harmful, or simply erroneous. For instance, I might invite a friend to dinner. But for some reason, he did not arrive and did not inform me. Now automatic thoughts enter my mind, thinking, "He must not like me at all." I'm sure he's completely ignoring me right now. I'm not up to par. If I believe these views, I will most likely feel horrible about myself, whether consciously or unconsciously.

When we're feeling overwhelmed by unpleasant emotions, our automatic thoughts tend to go wild. We can easily believe these emotions, making us feel unworthy, unwanted, unimportant, or completely cut off from the rest of the world.

The importance of ‘Self-talk’ and its impact on our lives:

Self-talk is an interior conversation that we engage with ourselves. The language we use to define ourselves has a significant impact on our attitude, which in turn has an impact on our reality. It is important to keep track of how we speak to ourselves since it has a significant impact on our self-esteem and self-worth. The way we choose to define ourselves or the experiences we face has a significant impact on how we feel about ourselves or the event.

Self-talk is the continuous conversation you have with yourself; it can be purposeful or random, internal or external; positive self-talk almost always leads to excellent performance, whereas negative self-talk almost always leads to poor performance.

Our internal narrative about ourselves is called self-talk. It has a significant impact on our self-esteem. It's time to be careful of and reflect on your self-talk if you don't think well of yourself or don't feel good about yourself. If you pay attention to and monitor your self-talk, you'll notice that it's a mix of conscious and subconscious thoughts and beliefs that can come from your own life experiences or your parents' language when you were a kid.

Negative self-talk can be harmful because it increases our stress levels while lowering our self-esteem and self-worth because these are the messages that are constantly given to our brain to learn the same. Positive self-talk, according to several studies, lowers stress and anxiety levels, makes us feel confident and good about ourselves, improves our ability to cope with challenging situations, and helps us form positive and meaningful relationships with others.

It is also true that when we don't understand where certain things originate from, it is tough to change negative self-talk. Understanding why we have negative self-talk makes it easier for us to make positive changes.



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